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Saturday, January 01, 2000

Fibro: links for coping with invisible illnesses

Part of this site will be about how to network a support team and create a healing synergy with this web of information. The most important part of your team is you, the patient, as you have to deal with your illness 24/7/365.
I want to provide you with the links I have found in my research, as well as topic-specific sites to broaden your own search. These link posts will be ever-growing, as I find more links and as you suggest more links.

Specific Topic: Coping with Invisible Illnesses

Ten Resolutions (as featured in the sidebar links) has a great article about Coping with Invisible Illness which I see as a wonderful springboard for working out several issues in this category. It is a thought-provoking read, but also offers steps to help the patient. Love it.

Invisible Illnesses, Visible Stereotypes is a touching article about prejudice against patients suffering from Invisible Illness. The author suffers from several invisible illnesses and has experience in the matter.

Invisible Illness and Handicapped Parking is an important look at what some of us with I.Illnesses face: sometimes we need handicapped parking, but we "LOOK" fine! A very important article. In the same subject, and equally as good, Privilege and Prejudice: Disabled Parking with an Invisible Illness is an excellent article.

Invisible Illnesses @ is jam packed with great articles, and if you navigate to Invisible Chronic Illness Week outreach you can find ways to help bring about awareness. See the banner below? That's from said website.

National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, Sept 12-18, 2005,

Invisible Disabilities Association of Canada has events, articles, and a cute turtle mascot ;)

A poem about invisible illnesses. Very touching, sad, and yet still remains hopeful. I believe that knowing others know exactly how you feel helps you know that you have an army of other people behind you. It's important to feel that empowerment. is a site all about ivisible illnesses that includes an extensive and helpful Forum/Message Board.

Invisible Illnesses and Disabilities is a great article about one woman's struggle with the prejudice surrounding Invisible Illnesses, and the wisdom she accumulated from that struggle. This is also a good article for so-called "normals" who need to understand what we go through (as are all of the links in this post).

For Christians with invisible illnesses, here is an e-list support group just for you, Christians with Invisible Illness, a Yahoo! Group.

K, I need to rest and take my own advice! I'll post more later :)

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